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Desk cabi­net

Type cabi­net with fonts

Unique piece

It has already been around for several decades. The ravages of time have taken their toll on this inter­est­ing piece. We have not restored or cleaned it. It is special just as it is.
There are some partic­u­larly beau­ti­ful writ­ings in the draw­ers.
The open compart­ments prob­a­bly used to have draw­ers – but that was a long time ago.

You won’t find a cabi­net like this again in a hurry. Unfor­tu­nately, neither will we 🙂


Orig­i­nal type­set­ting cabinett

Cabi­net messures :
hight : 104 cm/​130 cm | width : 78,5 cm |depth : 57 cm

• several lead type­faces
Descrip­tion will follow…



Don’t miss it !

Ask for this unique cabinet

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Zeppelin­str. 36 | 15370 Fred­er­s­dorf near Berlin | Germany

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Tel.: +49 (0)33439 – 188990

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