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imme­di­ately available

Book print­ing platen

from Heidel­berg and other manufacturies

Wir lieben drucken.

Was soviel heißt, wie : Wir wissen, wie man einen so wunder­vollen Buch­druck­tiegel behan­delt und wartet.

Unsere Orig­i­nal Heidel­berg Buch­druck Tiegel sind liebevoll von uns geprüft und werden sorgsam getestet.

In unserer Werk­statt haben wir alles, was man für einen Andruck benötigt – und auch alles was man für eine sorgfältige Über­hol­ung einer nun doch in die Jahre gekomme­nen Maschi­nen benötigt.


Once you’ve heard the sound of an orig­i­nal Heidel­berg platen, you’ll never forget it anymore.

It still echoes in you the beat of the blank paper being lifted from the pile and the wonder­ful sound of the inking roller pass­ing over the type­set­ting. The rich sound when the letters press into the paper is inde­scrib­able. Letter­press – the English expres­sion is really appro­pri­ate here.
And finally, when the finely printed paper is pulled onto the finished pile.
A small marvel that is always seen and heard with pleasure.

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

s o l d
Emil Kahle
Clos­ing frame inside dimen­sions : 17 x 24 cm
With edition counter
Restora­tion almost completed in our workshop

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Proof Press

Proof Press

Ref : 454
• Format : 51,0 x 41,5 cm
• suit­able as press for letter­press, linocuts, wood­cuts…
• func­tional / new rubber blanket

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Heidel­berg OHT 1968

Heidel­berg OHT 1968

Orig­i­nal Heidel­berger Platen, 1968 Letter­press – a piece of living print­ing history is an orig­i­nal Heidel­berg platen. The sound is like percus­sion, the handling is medi­ta­tive concen­tra­tion. The touch of prod­ucts created by letter­press cannot be repro­duced with digital…

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Druck­tiegel Otto Hohner KG

Druck­tiegel Otto Hohner KG

– Type DIN A4
– clos­ing frame inner dimen­sion : 32 x 32,5 cm
– 2 newly covered ink rollers
– cleaned, checked and printed

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s o l d
as an exhibit
– Year of manu­fac­ture approx. 1928
– clos­ing frame inner dimen­sions : 26,4 x 37,2 cm
– drive via foot pedal
– 4 ink rollers
– ink foun­tain with ink duct

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