Round corner punch Karl Krause Leipzig
Nr. 109701
Year about 1900
checked and in working condition
Nr. 109701
Year about 1900
checked and in working condition
Ref.: 449
• Year around 1900
• working width approx. 60 cm
• Groove and aperforating tool
KERMA Collating table
Wilh. Kerren
Special machinery factory
Round, motor driven
Table top : wood, diameter 2 meters
Foldable to 1,2 x 2 meters
Sächsische Kartonagen-Maschinen A.G. Dresden
Working width up to 70 cm
Production of upset grooves for the manufacture of cardboard, slipcases, folders…
S o l d
Format : 40 x 50 cm
Serial. 7483
working condition