+49 33439 188990 info@bertram-berlin.de

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Old cabi­nets, beau­ti­ful lead type, great Heidel­berg Platen, acces­sories and a lot of love for letter­press print­ing can be found here on these pages.

In its time, the inven­tion of letter­press changed the entire world. And yet neither offset print­ing nor digi­tal print­ing could imitate the unique tactile expe­ri­ence that only letter­press produces. It has been our wish to offer mate­r­ial, cabi­nets and type­faces to this wonder­ful old craft of the letter­press printer and type­set­ter. From old print shop stocks, the follow­ing trea­sures have been kept.


Each part shown here is unique and avail­able only once.

for sale

Boston Hand Platen & 
Foot Pedal Platen

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

s o l d
Emil Kahle
Clos­ing frame inside dimen­sions : 17 x 24 cm
With edition counter
Restora­tion almost completed in our workshop

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Druck­tiegel Otto Hohner KG

Druck­tiegel Otto Hohner KG

– Type DIN A4
– clos­ing frame inner dimen­sion : 32 x 32,5 cm
– 2 newly covered ink rollers
– cleaned, checked and printed

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for sale

Orig­i­nal Heidel­berg Platen

Heidel­berg OHT 1968

Heidel­berg OHT 1968

Orig­i­nal Heidel­berger Platen, 1968 Letter­press – a piece of living print­ing history is an orig­i­nal Heidel­berg platen. The sound is like percus­sion, the handling is medi­ta­tive concen­tra­tion. The touch of prod­ucts created by letter­press cannot be repro­duced with digital…

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for sale

Book­bind­ing- & Post press machines

Rotat­ing Round Table

Rotat­ing Round Table

KERMA Collat­ing table
Wilh. Kerren
Special machin­ery factory
Round, motor driven
Table top : wood, diam­e­ter 2 meters
Fold­able to 1,2 x 2 meters

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Card­board Groov­ing Machine

Card­board Groov­ing Machine

Säch­sis­che Karton­a­­gen-Maschi­­nen A.G. Dres­den
Work­ing width up to 70 cm
Produc­tion of upset grooves for the manu­fac­ture of card­board, slip­cases, fold­ers…
S o l d

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Karl Krause Leipzig Cutting machine

Karl Krause Leipzig Cutting machine

Year : 1924
Cutting width : 70 cm
Cutting bar made of oak
Hand­wheel press­ing with lever for quick press­ing
polished knife
Cleaned and checked
work­ing condition 

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for sale

Set and paper cabinets

for sale

Lead type letter­press cabinets

Letter cupboards

Wir haben viele unter­schiedliche gut erhal­tene Satzschränke in unserem Lager. Bitte fragen Sie uns nach den Einzelheiten.

for sale


for sale

rotat­ing table

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

Boston Platen Emil Kahle restored

s o l d
Emil Kahle
Clos­ing frame inside dimen­sions : 17 x 24 cm
With edition counter
Restora­tion almost completed in our workshop

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for sale

Miscel­la­neous clichés and typefaces


Contents of the cabi­nets not tested


Contents of the cabi­nets not tested


99 piece set of wonder­ful art nouveau ornaments


99 piece set of wonder­ful art nouveau ornaments


99 piece set of wonder­ful art nouveau ornaments

for sale

Card­board Groov­ing Machine

Groov­ing machine for Card­boards | Säch­sis­che Karton­a­gen-Maschi­nen A.G., Dresden

approx. 100 years old
Size up to : 70 cm
work­ing condition


We are glad to help


Indi­vid­ual consult­ing for letterpress


We are also pleased to help you with the installation


Train­ing and briefing


We will be pleased to advise you – contact us with­out obligation.

Visit us

Zeppelin­str. 36 | 15370 Fredersdorf

Call us :

Tel.: +49 (0)33439 – 188990

Mail us


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